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Les tenues du blog Fanny Rosie

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Still peach (and...

Still peach (and green-ish), but moto-friendlyOutfit...
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Fanny Rosie

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Of flowers and...

Of flowers and catsSame
 vibes and colour scheme as last...
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Fanny Rosie

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Last week, Mia and I...

Last week, Mia and I managed to do a hanami before the non-stop...
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Fanny Rosie

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Not a Jojo...

Not a Jojo referenceI honestly hesitated posting the last...
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Fanny Rosie

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The local weirdo...

The local weirdo strikes again.I’ve been wanting to do a...
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Fanny Rosie

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Back in March, I...

 in March, I met with Mia and Iona to have a picnic with...
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Fanny Rosie

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Kissa menu series:...

Kissa menu series: ロイヤルミルクティー (royal milk tea)Royal
 milk tea...
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Fanny Rosie

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Kissa menu series:...

Kissa menu series: ミルクセーキ (milkshake)In Japan, there are two...
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Fanny Rosie

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Kissa menu series:...

Kissa menu series: 珈琲フロート (coffee float) and ウィンナコーヒー(Wiener...
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Fanny Rosie

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Kissa menu series:...

Kissa menu series: レモンスカッシュ (lemon squash)A surprisingly...
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Fanny Rosie

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Kissa menu series:...

Kissa menu series: クリームソーダ (cream soda)After coffee and tea, my...
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Fanny Rosie

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Kissa series menu:...

Kissa series menu: 珈琲 (coffee)Now
 that we are in the drink...
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Fanny Rosie

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Kissa menu series:...

Kissa menu series: ホットケーキ (hotcakes)Similar to pancakes,...
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Fanny Rosie

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Kissa menu series:...

Kissa menu series: プリン (pudding)A popular dessert in Japan, プリン...
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Fanny Rosie

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Kissa menu series:...

Kissa menu series: オムライス (omurice)Even though I order tamago...
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Fanny Rosie

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Kissa menu series:...

Kissa menu series: ピザトースト (pizza toast)This
 is exactly what it...
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Fanny Rosie

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Kissa menu series:...

Kissa menu series: 玉子サンド (egg sandwich)There are two main...
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Fanny Rosie

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Kissa menu series:...

Kissa menu series: ナポリタン (Napolitan)Here’s the first post...
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Fanny Rosie

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I am doing my...

I am doing my bestHappy birthday to my favourite เด็ก. Outfit...
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Fanny Rosie

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奥多摩湖の雪Outfit rundown:Coat: second-hand Mary MagdaleneDress and...
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Fanny Rosie

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I know my normal...

I know my normal lolita style tends to be more on the elegant...
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Fanny Rosie

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As a Montrealer,...

As a Montrealer, sometimes, I do miss snow, but most of the...
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Fanny Rosie

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Some early 2020...

Some early 2020 picture from an outfit I had deemed not...
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Fanny Rosie

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Outfit for errands,...

Outfit for errands, featuring an IW cutsew dress I used to wear...
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Fanny Rosie

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Enoshima, 2019

Enoshima, 2019
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Fanny Rosie

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Last time I went...

 time I went out, first time in a while I saw my friends...
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Fanny Rosie

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As a fan of...

 a fan of architecture, I had been meaning to check out the...
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Fanny Rosie

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Wearing lolita...

Wearing lolita brands, but in a totally non-lolita way, part...
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Fanny Rosie

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Long solo walk in...

Long solo walk in early December to buy bread and visit 2...
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Fanny Rosie

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One million layers...

One million layers and a full solo day of walking, back in...
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Fanny Rosie

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Well, I guess...

 I guess that’s my last post of the year....
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Fanny Rosie

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In November, Mia and...

In November, Mia and I went to Curry Station Niagara, a train...
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Fanny Rosie

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Another case where I...

Another case where I combined pieces from lolita brands in a...
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Fanny Rosie

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Back in early...

Back in early December, I went to Kurumed (a nutcracker themed...
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Fanny Rosie

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Fanny Rosie

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A November day of...

A November day of exhibitions and kissaten Outfit...
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Fanny Rosie

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More green for a...

More green for a solo date in Kokubunji, but this time, in...
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Fanny Rosie

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In early November, I...

In early November, I decided to use my little feet to do the...
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Fanny Rosie

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Weird looking...

Weird looking animals in art and postal themed kissa (Maroko...
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Fanny Rosie

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I walked a long way...

I walked a long way to get special omurice, but the place was...
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Fanny Rosie

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And now, an outfit,...

And now, an outfit, because that’s what I’ve always been posting...
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Fanny Rosie

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Happy late...

Happy late International Lolita DayI didn’t wear lolita...
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Fanny Rosie

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Exploring ChichibuEverything I wore was thrifted and vintage,...
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Fanny Rosie

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Modern girl inspired...

Modern girl inspired look on a long solo walk in...
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Fanny Rosie

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Tea, antique tiles...

Tea, antique tiles and silk dressHad a very relaxing time at...
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Fanny Rosie

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More pictures of...

 pictures of the previous outfit, but in the wild (aka at...
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Fanny Rosie

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Outfit to go visit...

Outfit to go visit the Demitasse exhibition that was held at...
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Fanny Rosie

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One week after...

One week after Halloween, Mia, Iona and I did a westernised...
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Fanny Rosie

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