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Can you tell I'm getting rid of empire waists?

Can you tell I'm getting rid of empire waists?
27/02/2012 14:30

Sur le blog Cara's Closet

Can you tell I'm getting rid of empire waists?

Ugh - nothing worse than writing up a whole blog post about a shirt you want to give away, only to realize you can't take a picture of it because you've already given it away!!!! You'll have to use your imagination A friend gave me this shirt when she was weeding out her closet. I think she said she gave it to me because it was too girly for her. I'm completely "meh" about it now. I think I just don't like empire waists. Good thing to remember for the future. Why did I take it? It was cute and girly, and I was still in the giddy "love" phase where I felt I had to be cute and girly. Why did it work? It's not a blousy empire waist that doesn't work on me. It's just...

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 • Langue : Anglais

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