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Create the Occasion

Create the Occasion
25/01/2023 20:19

Sur le blog Bleu Avenue

Create the Occasion

Some of the major holidays may be over but that doesn't mean you can't celebrate. In a recent online chat, a member of a community I'm in asked the question, "If I don't have any friends, and no where to wear my dresses, should I just sell my collection?" You can imagine the responses of dress lovers such as myself were overwhelmingly against selling the dresses. Most replied that they wore their dresses at home if no where else and as long as they bring you joy, you should keep them. I completely agree, but I added this to the thread: Don't wait for the opportunity to wear your dresses, instead, be pro-active and create the opportunities. Recently I...

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 • Photos : 8

 • Langue : Anglais

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