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Wack Job: styling a graphic tank with a plaid shirt, skinny jeans, ankle boots, and a fedora

Wack Job:  styling a graphic tank with a plaid shirt, skinny jeans, ankle boots, and a fedora
03/07/2017 17:22

Sur le blog StyleIsMyPudding | Personal Style Inspiration

Wack Job: styling a graphic tank with a plaid shirt, skinny jeans, ankle boots, and a fedora

Are you by any chance familiar with the Canadian band called Chilliwack, dear readers?? While you may recognize a number of their hits from the seventies like "California Girl," "Crazy Talk," and "Lonesome Mary" that still pop up on the radio every now and then, you might not know that there are actually a river and a city about an hour and a half outside of Vancouver that share the same name. Well, that would be the Chilliwack River you can see in these photos!! If Robin and I had opted to stay a little closer to home this past Saturday, we could have seen Chilliwack the band (yes, they're still around!) as part of our local...

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 • Photos : 8

 • Langue : Anglais

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