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Rethink and Reuse with Savers

Rethink and Reuse with Savers
22/04/2016 13:22

Sur le blog The Boston Fashionista

Rethink and Reuse with Savers

Confession: I go through a lot of clothes. Shocking, right? While I strive towards the clothing motto of "quality, not quantity", I do enjoy trying new trends, and expanding my style comfort zone. Oh, and I write a blog that is comprised primarily of outfit shots, so there's that! In addition to all the clothes, my house was built in the 1650's, when people were considerably shorter and apparently had no use for things like "closets". All this to say: regular closet clean-outs are an absolute must. But what to do with the items I've decided must go? Resale is an option, but who has the time?...

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 • Votes Look : 0
 • Photos : 7

 • Langue : Anglais

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