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Lifestyle // Kyoto, Japan

Lifestyle // Kyoto, Japan
2015-01-21 17:33

From blog Sweet Monday | UK Fashion and Lifestyle Blog

Lifestyle // Kyoto, Japan

Bamboo grove From Osaka we travelled to Kyoto, one of Japan's more traditional cities. Here you can find lots of old Japanese temples and shrines dating back to 800AD. Over the years many have been burned down due to lightning or have fallen due to earthquakes but all have been rebuilt over and over and are now kept in immaculate condition. Kyoto is also the home of the world famous bamboo grove pictured above. I'm sure you've seen photos of this before either on the internet or maybe on a TV documentary. You may have also seen Fushimi-Inari - the orange shrines pictured below. These large orange arches are placed side by side along a winding path...

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 • Popularity: 0
 • Photos: 13

 • Language: English

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