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The Poetry Room

The Poetry Room
2014-04-17 18:47

From blog The Clothes Horse

The Poetry Room

The topmost chamber in Helen's Tower before you reached the roof was a window-lined, wooden room titled the "Poetry Room." The ceiling was a beautifully carved masterpiece and the walls were simple wood with red velvet seats in the windows punctuated only by a few bronze plaques featuring poems about the tower. Tennyson, Browning, Kipling and others wrote about the idyllic retreat and some of their works grace the walls to this day. From Tennyson's poem: "Helen's Tower, here I stand, Dominant over sea and land. Son’s love built me, and I hold Mother’s love in letter’d gold. Love is in and out of time, I am mortal stone and lime…" With it's tall windows...

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 • Popularity: 0
 • Photos: 14

 • Language: English

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