| | 2014-01-21 22:41
From blog But it can't be from Dolly Clackett. She gave me an Easter egg!
In the small event that occurs, just crumple two pieces of aluminum foil and stuff them in your undershorts. It defeats their sensor rays. Hello lovelies! Well, I am having quite the week - quite the month. I know I have already complained talked at some length about my working pattern over the past few weeks, but I am feeling a bit burned out this evening after another full-day meeting in a basement in London. I have another one tomorrow and, by the end of this week I will have clocked up 36 hours this month on the train to and from London. That's nearly a working week! It won't be always be this intense, and I expect to be riding the rails a bit less in February and March, but today it did get to me a little bit. So, as you might expect, my sewing has been basically curtailed because, when I have been...
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