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The Fingertip Test

The Fingertip Test
2014-01-09 03:00

From blog I do deClaire

The Fingertip Test

This skirt was one of my December purchases. I got it with some Twice credits I had saved up ( $10 off your first purchase if you are interested ). It's a really nice quality and the colors are right up my alley. It's a little shorter than I am used to. The funny thing is I used to wear shorter skirts than this in high school! Besides, it totally passes the fingertip test! When I was picking out this outfit, navy was an obvious pairing. Cool colors go together so well in my opinion. I think next time I might try a plum or even mustard colored top with this skirt. With the plaid wool, riding boots, and utility vest I feel like I should be...

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 • Popularity: 12
 • Photos: 6

 • Language: English

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