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Purple silk jacket

Purple silk jacket
2013-09-19 18:00

From blog No Fear of Fashion

Purple silk jacket

Let me start by announcing two changes. The first one is easy: I changed the header of my blog. If you see No Fear of Fashion two or three times at the top of my blog, please refresh and it will be corrected. Second change: as from next week I am going to publish only one post per week .   Reasons? 1) I spend far too much money on new outfits (a trap most bloggers fell into).   2) I spend far too much time on this blog (behind the computer) and there are more things in life. Having said that, I want you to know I love you all dearly. For your loyalty, your fun comments, for your visits, your blogger friendship. So I hope you will not forget me and keep on...

 ► See the original article on the blog
 • Popularity: 3
 • Photos: 6

 • Language: English

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