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New year's at the countryside

New year's at the countryside
2013-01-02 22:24

From blog My every day wear

New year's at the countryside

While most have posted some fabulous outfitsfor this New Year's eve, I won't. Gap jeans - White shirt from Puebla in Mexico - Gold flats Nine West - Trina bag The reason is quite simple.I did not wear anything flashy or dashing :)In fact, I wore the same pair of jeans I have been wearing for the past few days. Vintage pearl ring And while it may sound a little boring,my new year's was spent in the country side in a small cottage, relaxing and watching a family of monkeys(yes monkeys!) eat in my backyard.Happiness and beauty are in the eye of the beholder. May you have an amazing 2013.May many monkeys visit your backyard ;)

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 • Popularity: 0
 • Photos: 3

 • Language: English

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