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Life in Limbo

Life in Limbo
2025-03-23 22:06

From blog Polyester Princess

Life in Limbo

What with life keeping throwing us curveballs lately, it nearly escaped my attention that the month of March held a thing or two worth celebrating. And no, I'm not talking about the fact that Spring has finally sprung! For the first one, we have to go back to the 4th of March 2021 , which was the day that Bess entered our lives. She would soon prove herself to be a more than worthy successor to Phoebe, who'd unexpectedly passed away one month earlier, but how tiny and timid she was when she first came to Dove Cottage! She's definitely come along in leaps and bounds in those four years she's been ruling the roost here! We have to go back even further, to...

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 • Popularity: 0
 • Photos: 15

 • Language: English

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