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L'endeuillée de l'automne

L'endeuillée de l'automne
2024-11-18 17:12

From blog Fanny Rosie

L'endeuillée de l'automne

L'endeuillée de l'automne One day of October, as I was looking outside the window, I saw a black squirrel run through the golden leaves and got inspired by the striking contrast it created. These pictures were taken back in October. The trees are very much bare right now. Jacket: second-hand Atelier Boz; Dress: second-hand Juliette et Justine; Hat: vintage; Turtleneck: second-hand Cecil McBee; Shoes: Yösuke; Gloves: vintage; Brooches: all vintage except the eye one, which was a present; Earrings: Takano (Design Festa)

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 • Popularity: 0
 • Photos: 8

 • Language: English

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