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What I wore in Italy

What I wore in Italy
2024-09-06 16:14

From blog Cheryl Shops

What I wore in Italy

Ciao! I am back from 12 glorious days in Italy and am full of Aperol spritzes, pasta al frutti di mare, and gelato. (All totally delicious.) I will say, Italy in August is not for the faint of heart—temperatures were in the high 80s or low 90s every day, and I was sweating in places I didn't know I could sweat from, which made rewearing things a bit of a challenge. As I noted in my Substack , I packed for the entire trip in a carry-on, and I'm proud to say I wore everything I brought except one shirt and one skirt; I really should have packed one less pair of shoes (especially since I bought two new pairs, whoops), but overall, I was really pleased with what I...

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 • Popularity: 24
 • Photos: 12

 • Language: English

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