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Freezing but Make it Fashion

Freezing but Make it Fashion
2021-01-11 20:30

From blog kendi everyday

Freezing but Make it Fashion

Good afternoon on this fine Monday, my friends! Why am I so late today? Oh I’ll tell you why. My brain forgot to schedule and publish this post on Friday like I typically do for my Monday posts. Silly brain, doesn’t it know this is a new year, new me? We had an agreement to stop procrastinating but I’m starting to think this agreement was one-side. I’ll be having a stern talk with myself later. Unless I forget.  We were up early this morning to shoot lots of looks and it was just kind of a fail day all over. I hate to be like ‘typical Monday’ but yikes it was the most Monday morning that there ever...

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 • Popularity: 0
 • Photos: 7

 • Language: English

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