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What to wear when you're in a wardrobe rut

What to wear when you're in a wardrobe rut
2020-08-25 19:41

From blog Cheryl Shops

What to wear when you're in a wardrobe rut

As you may have guessed from the title of this post, I'm in a bit of a wardrobe rut at the moment. I'm kind of tired of everything in my closet, and I haven't been shopping recently because of some economic uncertainty (which, thankfully, is now resolved). I'm not exactly tired of summer—the truly warm weather is just getting started here in San Francisco—but I can't enjoy it much at the moment because the air is super smoky due to the wildfires burning all over the freaking state, so we have to stay inside. Again. Alas, the show must go on, so here I am in an outfit that I actually like, although I feel the need to warn you that it's not my most original look. It...

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 • Popularity: 3
 • Photos: 10

 • Language: English

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