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Reverse (Workwear)

Reverse (Workwear)
2020-02-19 12:41

From blog What Lou Wore 365

Reverse (Workwear)

This post contains affiliate links Earlier this week, I turned my Laura Scoop Back Top round the other way, popped a shirt under it and called it good. It cost me £16 at the beginnging of November (thanks to 20% off and promotional gift vouchers forwarded on by my Mum) and I've worn it at least 10 times so far, including on Christmas Day, bringing it down to a cost per wear of £1.60. Not bad for 3 and a half months! Shirt - old Boden Top - Boden Laura Scoop Back Top (worn here ) Skirt - Boden Martha Skirt via eBay Shoes - Primark (Affiliate link advertising banner)

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 • Popularity: 0
 • Photos: 2

 • Language: English

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