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{TRAVEL} Staycation/Gaycation at Hotel Indigo DTLA

{TRAVEL} Staycation/Gaycation at Hotel Indigo DTLA
2018-07-04 01:54

From blog nicolette mason

{TRAVEL} Staycation/Gaycation at Hotel Indigo DTLA

To commemorate pride, 17-years of friendship, and being native Angelenos, my best friend Emily and I booked a short Downtown LA staycation at Hotel Indigo last weekend. When we first met, I was 15-years old, and she was 14; we met playing Water Polo (this is basically it's own punchline on a.) being gay, b.) being from LA), and quickly developed a friendship that was probably mostly based on gaydar, but that we masked as a love for alternative music (but to be fair, there weren't a ton of people in our Jewish prep school who were openly interested in either). In the early days, outside of water polo practice, our friendship mostly lived on AOL Instant...

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 • Popularity: 0
 • Photos: 5

 • Language: English

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