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Birthday girl

Birthday girl
2012-08-20 03:16

From blog Rosaspina Vintage

Birthday girl

Another circle around the sun... Last saturday was my birthday (I'll try my best not to rant about the whole age thing!) and I had an absolutely lovely time, spent mostly basking in the sun. Alf surprised me with this dress, which I have been lusting over since months, oh bless him! I am completely in love with the 40s cut and the cute dancing ladies pattern, it's so beautiful that I keep peeking into my wardrobe, just to make sure it's true! So I put it on immediately and here I am enjoying a delicious strawberry granita with cream on top :) * Un altro giro intorno al sole... Sabato era il mio compleanno (eviterò volutamente di approfondire l'argomento "quanti"!) e la...

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 • Popularity: 0
 • Photos: 5

 • Language: Italian
 • English: Yes

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