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Outfit: The Pumpkin Patch

Outfit: The Pumpkin Patch
2016-10-03 19:55

From blog The Clothes Horse

Outfit: The Pumpkin Patch

Hello October! We spent the first day of October tromping through a farmer friend's pumpkin patch. Last year the weather was so bad a lot of farmers crops suffered, including the pumpkin crop. The only pumpkin patch we heard about last year only had green pumpkins! This year though our weather has been much better through spring and summer and it shows in how lush the harvest is. The apples in Thomas's family orchard are enormous and abundant, and the pumpkins--although less of a local specialty--also did remarkably well. This patch of course isn't like the pick-your-own-pumpkin patches I'm used to in America. There's no hayride out to the patch or hot apple cider...

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 • Popularity: 0
 • Photos: 13

 • Language: English

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