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Nordstrom Anniversary Sale: Beauty Picks

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale: Beauty Picks
2016-07-15 15:03

From blog Southern Curls & Pearls

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale: Beauty Picks

Ralph Lauren PJs, similar sleep shirt HERE (it's included in the #NSale) // T3 hair dryer If you guys are like me, on the first day of the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale I spend the entire day rushing to buy clothing, shoes and accessories that I'm afraid may sell out (some popular tops & a ton of blanket scarves have sold out already!). Since the beauty items tend to stay better stocked, I usually wait to shop those a few days after the sale opens. I didn't get a chance to look until last night, and I have to say, there are some really good beauty items in the Anniversary Sale right now. I've become more of a beauty junkie in the past...

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 • Language: English

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