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Style Blogging: Lost In Translation | Link Up

Style Blogging: Lost In Translation | Link Up
2015-04-06 14:11

From blog Honestly Modern

Style Blogging: Lost In Translation | Link Up

Something is lost in the translation of style through the workings on the interwebs. A perfectly comfortable simple outfit that feels so right for just another day transforms into blah and boring by the time it reaches your computer screen. An outfit that, in real life, looks just right for a casual weekend like any other often feels too simple to be sharing on the blog. Many times, while getting dressed, I find myself adding a belt or a scarf or an extra layer to an outfit to make it stand out on the blog when the real-life version of the outfit looks like I tried just a little bit too hard. On that note, I bring to you today an extremely simple outfit....

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 • Popularity: 0
 • Photos: 3

 • Language: English

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